What is Neurodiversity?
In the fall, many of you asked for items in the store so you can support neurodiversity. We listened, and we are excited to launch our first neurodiversity wristband in this category. Supportstore has released a new wristband with white bold letters encouraging others to “Embrace Neurodiversity” along with the rainbow infinity sign. The rainbow infinity sign is replacing the old puzzle piece sign, often used because autism had been seen as confusing or complex. What is neurodiversity and why has there been a switch in terminology?
Neurodiversity is about embracing brain differences as beautiful. Those with autism, ADHD, and epilepsy among others want to be fully ingrained in society. To make this possible, it’s necessary to see their differences as beautiful, not as defects.

Supportstore is not restocking any puzzle piece items. We are starting to use the infinity symbol on all our autism items as well as other conditions that fall in this category. A shift like this takes time. While we are still allowing customers to buy our remaining puzzle piece items, we are excited to encourage others to embrace this new mindset with the symbol and terminology that represent it.
You can find our Embrace Neurodiversity rainbow infinity sign blue wristband in stock in the store today, whether you want 1 or 1000.